Transcendent Lifestyle Center, PC

Lake Norman's Premier Family Chiropractic Lifestyle Center

One Week Left To Register!!!

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To all you couch potatoes who secretly want to be runners, GET MOVING!!!

There is less than a week left to register.  If running is something you’ve always wanted to do but didn’t know how to start, this is your chance!  Don’t miss it!

We will hand walk, jog, run you through a 6 week program that will prepare you to finish your first 5k ever.  It’s not everyday you get the opportunity to fulfill a lifelong dream in 6 weeks!


Go to to register or call (704) 892-3349

Cross this one off your bucket list, sign up today!

Written by lknchiropractor

March 8, 2011 at 10:11 pm

Fit For A 5K

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Hello Transcendent Lifestyle Center Family!  I am excited to announce that we are partnering with the Davidson Town and Rec Department to offer a “Fit For A 5K”.

“What is that?” you ask.  It is a beginner running program for anyone who has always wanted to begin running, or get fit, but doesn’t know how.

The program is a 6 week program and the investment is $55.  Please register through the Town of Davidson Rec Dept.  We will meet every Tuesday and Thursday night from 6:30-7:30pm from March 15th – April 21st and run (or build up to a run) on the Davidson greenways.  At the end of the program, we will all participate in a 5K race scheduled for the last week of April.

For more detailed information, see below:

•Are you a new or somewhat new to running?
•Looking to understand how to improve your fitness?
•Want to join a great new running group?

Fit For a 5k is for you!

develop the fitness skills necessary to complete a 5k or better

develop physiological readiness and a healthy passion for running.

Improve endurance & overall fitness level

complete a 5k with confidence, motivation & with proper training techniques

Fit for a 5k is under the direction of Dr. John and Kate Bartemus of Transcendent Lifestyle Center in Cornelius. The combination of fitness training and passion to promote health in the community will create enthusiasm and athletic development in participants.
Participants will receive an optional pre‐training assessment to determine individual realistic goals, receive a 6 Week Running Guide and complete 2 group training sessions a week for 6 weeks to prepare for an optional 5k race in April.

Registration Required
Call 704‐892‐3349

Written by lknchiropractor

March 1, 2011 at 3:40 pm

The Vaccine Debate – What Is The Evidence?

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We all hear about it in the news seemingly every day.  Swine flu propaganda and fear generation is everywhere.  Have you ever stopped to think about why that is?  The answer is: Fear Sells.

They call it the “vaccine industry” for a reason.  It is industrious.  By creating fear and putting some publicly well known doctor’s name behind it, the vaccine industry makes billions of dollars per year by scaring you into getting the shot.  The same fear makes them billions more by scaring parents into taking their children in to receive over 35 shots, containing 113 different kinds of disease particles, 59 different chemicals, 4 types of animal cells/DNA, and human DNA from aborted fetal tissue before the age of 10.  Do you want this injected into yourself or your baby?

According to the International Medical Council on Vaccination (IMCV), vaccines have documented associations with:

  • Allergies
  • Asthma
  • Arthritis
  • Autism
  • Acid Reflux
  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
  • A long list of neurological and autoimmune diseases.

Known vaccine side effects documented in the medical literature are:

  • Arthritis
  • Heart Attacks
  • Blood Clots
  • Ear Infections
  • Kidney Failure
  • Seizures/Epilepsy
  • Severe allergic reactions
  • Sudden Death

And yes, vaccines ARE associated with onset of Autism! The IMCV states, “Autism was rare until the mass vaccination programs were accelerated in 1991, with the introduction of the Hepatitis B vaccine and the HiB (meningitis) vaccine.  Tens of thousands of parents will attest that autism appeared in their children very soon after they were given these, and other, vaccines.”  To view the information for yourself, visit

I know what you’re thinking, “Well if I don’t vaccinate my child, they’ll be unhealthy and at risk for serious diseases.”  Is that true?  Or are you just repeating what the industry wants you to say?  Let’s look at the research.

Generation Rescue sponsored the Cal-Oregon Project in 2006.  The purpose of the project was to compare vaccinated children with unvaccinated children and see which population was indeed healthier.  After looking at 17,674 children, the results showed:

  • Vaccinated children had 120% more Asthma
  • Vaccinated boys had 317% more ADHD
  • Vaccinated boys had 185% more neurological disorders
  • Vaccinated boys had 146% more Autism

I think it’s obvious which population of children turned out to be healthier…the unvaccinated.  To view the study results yourself, visit

The last major question we get is, “I have to vaccinate my child, otherwise he or she will not be allowed into public school, right?”  Again, that is false information.  You have the right to refuse vaccination, use it.  Every state has vaccine exemptions, meaning, your child does not have to be vaccinated to attend public school.  To find out how to file an exemption for your child in your state, visit  To find a healthcare provider who agrees with your choice not to vaccinate and will respect you, visit

At Transcendent Lifestyle Center, we are here to empower you with the knowledge necessary to create the healthiest life possible for you and your family.  Do the right thing and research this topic for yourself.  After all, no one cares more about your health than you do.  If you have further questions, please feel free to contact us.  We want to be your source of everything health!

Germs VS. Environment

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Since we are in the heart of the “cold and flu season”, we at Transcendent Lifestyle Center thought it’d be a great time to ask, “Why do we get sick?”

What is your answer to that question?  Have you studied your answer and proven its truth?  Or have you accepted it as truthful because that is what your mother/father/preacher/teacher told you?

For most people, the answer is they believe what they believe because that is what someone else told them to believe.  Let’s look at facts and see what Reason says is truth.

The prevailing belief is that people get sick because of germs.  This is the Germ Theory.  It states that we are surrounded by germs at all times and must do our best to protect ourselves from them.  We do this by washing our hands every time we cough, refraining from eating a carrot that falls on the floor and stays there for longer than the “5 second rule”, and by keeping an aseptic environment.  According to the Germ Theory, and it’s founder Louis Pasteur, if we don’t do these things, we will get sick,  “catch a cold”, or “catch the flu”.

I, Dr. John Bartemus, am here to tell you that the Germ Theory is false.  This is not my epiphany, it was actually advocated by Louis Pasteur’s contemporary and scientific arch-rival, Antoine Bechamp.

Bechamp championed (pun intended) the Terrain Theory.  The Terrain Theory promotes the idea that it is not germs that make us sick, it is a weak and susceptible body ecology (or internal environment) that causes us to “get sick”.  In other words, germs don’t cause sickness, poor living does.  It is a poor lifestyle in terms of physical activity levels, nutritional choices, emotional states, and nervous system coordination and integration of these things that allow us to “get sick”.

You see, as the Germ Theory advocates, there are germs around us all the time.  But if the Germ Theory were true, we’d be sick all the time, regardless of our attempts to maintain an aseptic environment (see hospitals where superbugs like MRSA run rampant for proof).  I don’t know about you, but my family and I are rarely sick.  I don’t know anyone who is literally sick all the time.  By simple observation, the Germ Theory is false.

Let’s dig deeper though.  When is “cold and flu season”?  In the winter.  When do you typically exercise the least, eat the poorest, and get most sullen?  In the winter!  Add to that the fact that the winter is the time of year when you get the least Vitamin D from the sun (a KEY immune system booster), and these 4 ingredients add up to a sub-optimally performing nervous system and an internal environment that is in a very weakened state.  The perfect situation for an opportunistic germ to invade and seemingly cause you to be sick.

It isn’t the germ that makes you sick, it is the poor lifestyle leading to the poor terrain that makes you sick. I get adjusted regularly, I exercise daily, I eat the Innate Diet, and I have positive, healthy internal dialogue.  I haven’t had the flu in over 8 years.  Any sniffle or cold I develop is gone in 2-3 days.  My terrain is solid.  Germs can try all they want, I don’t believe in the Germ Theory.

Do you?

(As a final note, it is common knowledge that on his death bed Louis Pasteur was quoted as saying, “Bechamp was right!”)


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What is your first thought when you wake each day?

This is an important question. As I’ve touched on before, thoughts become things. One of the most important thoughts of the day is your first one. Why? One word…Momentum.

If thoughts become things, and the first thought leads to the 2nd, and the 2nd to the 3rd, and so on; don’t you think the first thought should be the right one? Me too. So what should the first thought be?


Start the day of with gratitude. Be thankful for another day, be thankful for a loving family, be thankful for your health, or the ability to change your health by choice. Be thankful that you live in a free country, be thankful that you have a job, be thankful that you have a creative mind that can get you a job.

The point is, if your first thought is a thought of gratitude rather than a thought of stress, then your day will start off with positive momentum. Hopefully you will leverage that momentum to make it a positive day as a whole. Take that positive day and turn it into a positive week, and so on.

Eventually you have a life that you are happy with and everyone around you can see it. Then you become a positive role model and you change their lives for the better.

Gratitude, pass it on.

Written by lknchiropractor

February 2, 2011 at 10:01 am

Summer Camps For Kids Age 7-13

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This summer we will be running camps for children ages 7-13.

We will be sponsoring and operating the camp called LKN Fit Kids through the Cornelius Park and Rec Department.

Check out our blog at for more information and updates!  It’s going to be a blast!

Written by lknchiropractor

January 17, 2011 at 10:02 pm

Chiropractic Positively Affects ADHD

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The 2010 Proceedings of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) Research Conference recently published a case study involving the response of a 7-year-old child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder to chiropractic adjustments over the course of a year.

Approximately 8 million children in the United States are labeled with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD and generally are being medicated for this condition.  ADHD is a childhood mental disorder with onset before 7 years of age and involving impaired or diminished attention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. The behaviors must be excessive, last for at least six months, and cause a problem in a social environment, such as at school or home.

Ritalin is a common prescription given for ADHD, but since medications offer risk as well as possible dependencies, alternative options are worth investigating.  Especially since Ritalin is in the same classification of drug as Cocaine.  Do we really want our children on a drug this powerful?

A male child was diagnosed by a psychiatrist at age 3 with ADHD, due to behaviors such as uncontrolled violent outbreaks, difficulty following directions, and inability to function in social situations.  From 3-7 years the child was prescribed anti-psychotropic medications, which only moderately controlled the patient’s behavior.  His parents were under extreme stress attempting to cope with their child’s aggressive behavior and sought chiropractic care as a last resort at age 7.

Within one month of care the patient demonstrated significant behavior improvements. The parents reported the child was significantly calmer, “less defiant,” and had reduced aggressive behavior.  Working with the psychiatrist after 5 months of chiropractic care the child was able to be weaned off all psychotropic medication without any relapse of prior behavior.

This is crucial, no longer is the child on a Cocaine derivative and subject to addiction, violent outbreaks, and suicidal tendencies!

Chiropractic care of children with ADHD has evidence in the published literature and it is possible that a mechanical and/or neurological dysfunction could be contributing to a patient’s presentation as well as explain the success of chiropractic care with some cases.  Greater results have been seen when combining nutritional changes and chiropractic care for pediatric patients presenting with ADHD.

Anyone wishing more information may contact Dr. Bartemus at Transcendent Lifestyle Center, PC.

Written by lknchiropractor

January 1, 2011 at 11:11 pm

U.S. Life Expectancy Continues To Fall – Where Are We Going Wrong?

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According to a recent report by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, American’s life expectancy is falling, not rising.

Not good.  Our life expectancy should be increasing, shouldn’t it?  After all, we spend more money than any other nation in the world on “health care”.  We have more hospitals, more doctors, more nurses, more drugs, and more surgeries than any other nation in the world; so how are we LOSING LIFE?  And why are we ranked 37th out of 39 developed nations by the World Health Organization in terms of healthiest nations?

Because we are also the most irresponsible, lazy, and marketed to nation in the world.  We are raised with the immediate gratification, “pop a pill”, victim mentality.  Victims of our genes, victims of germs, victims of bad luck.  How is that working for us?  How is the brainwashing by Big Pharma, Fast Food companies, and Big Government affecting us?  It’s killing us.  Not just in terms of health, but in every societal and economic sense.

Our society and economy are affected because we are continuously marketed to and exploited by Big Business and a government that doesn’t care about our health or our quality of life, only our money.  This money focus trickles down to the minds of the public and leads to a mentality of “more”; which leads to a loss of priorities and ultimately, a breakdown of the family unit. Instead of being home having a family dinner, parents are working late to “keep up with the Joneses” and letting strangers raise their children.

What does this financial stress do to families and marriages?  It destroys them.  Don’t look now, but two parent households are a minority in this nation.  Do you think that impacts the self-esteem of our children?  Do you think their self-esteem affects our society?  Before you answer that question, take a look at the number of children on anti-depressant drugs, at the number of  school shootings, and at suicide rates from birth to age 25.

The only solution to this societal, economic, and health decay is accountability.  Accountability to yourself for your health, for your happiness, and for your focus.  And accountability to your children to be a role model as to how to live a healthy life.  We have to stand in opposition to the mainstream and consciously CHOOSE health and consciously CHOOSE life.

What does that look like?  Continuously, on a day to day, minute to minute basis choosing healthy nutrition, healthy exercise habits, and healthy relationships and attitudes.  It means educating yourself and discovering true health care practitioners like Chiropractors that have your best interests in mind.  It means being proactive instead of reactive.  It means spending a few dollars today to prevent becoming bankrupt by chronic disease tomorrow.

If you don’t educate yourself and take interest in what’s best for you and your family, who will do that for you?

Written by lknchiropractor

December 10, 2010 at 1:58 pm

Posted in Wellness Nugget

Short-Term Enhancement Of Creative Thinking Following A Chiropractic Adjustment

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A recent article in the Chiropractic Journal of Australia reported on a pilot study involving the responses of ten subjects to a single chiropractic adjustment and how it affected their creative thinking.

Creativity is the ability to generate ideas, “…both novel and useful (or influential) to a particular social setting.”

Interview responses of the subjects post-adjustment indicated 7 of the subjects elicited new directions in a real-world creative tasks and six of the subjects reported renewed energy towards a creative project as well as improvement in their performance on the alternate uses test.

The procedure for the alternative uses test is to write down as many uses for an object as possible during a ten minute period.  For example, naming all the different ways you could use a newspaper was one of the questions used, as was naming all the different ways you could use a chair, followed by naming all the different ways you can use a shoe.

Once testing was completed, each subject was assessed for subluxation, which has been defined as: “A complex of functional and/or structural and/or pathological articular changes that compromise neural integrity and may influence organ system function and general health.”  Following the assessment, a chiropractic adjustment was administered.  The adjustment has been defined as, “A maneuver in a specific vector, velocity, intensity of force and point of application that is intended to assist the body in restoring normal tone by correction subluxation in whole or in part.”

Following the adjustment, another version of the alternate uses test was administered and participants were interviewed two to eight days later.

Taken as a whole, the results indicated improvement in real world creative tasks during the two to eight day period after the adjustment, which is very exciting.

Naturally, due to the small size of the study, these conclusions must be considered preliminary, pending verification by future studies.

Anyone wishing more information may contact me at 704-419-4852.

Written by lknchiropractor

December 3, 2010 at 7:33 pm

Mindset Matters

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How do you become clear about what you really want in life? The solution is simple, yet the application is something you’ll struggle with daily for the rest of your life.

Here’s what I want you to do …


This is the classic
Feelings lead to ACTIONS,
Actions lead to RESULTS.

Knowing what you want is something you need to know and memorize. It works exactly like this:

If your thoughts are constantly on the fact that you’ve lost your nice home in the nice area it was in, or that you went from making a tremendous amount of money each month to a lot less, then your thoughts will spiral downward; creating negative, low-level energy feelings which thereafter lead to self-defeating actions which finally result in a vicious cycle of negative manifestation.

STOP Doing This!

By thoroughly checking your emotions, you ensure that your thoughts are high-level, positive emotions that will result in the effect you WANT. How do you reinforce this? By daily affirmations, a clearly defined purpose, and a clearly defined mission statement. These 3 elements get you going until positive thoughts and emotions become habit. Once they become habit, they become second nature, and you begin manifesting positive results in all situations of your life.

Written by lknchiropractor

November 28, 2010 at 6:03 pm

Posted in Wellness Nugget

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